Jakob Nielsen
Jakob Nielsen (born October 5, 1957, in Copenhagen, Denmark) is one of the most respected people in the world on usability on the web. This interface engineer obtained his doctorate in user interface design and computer science from the Technical University of Denmark. His professional career has made him go through companies such as Bellcore, IBM and Sun Microsystems. He is currently listed as a co-founder of the Nielsen Norman Group with Donald Norman, another usability expert.
His career began in 1997 when he wrote two short articles on how to prepare texts. The titles of these articles were Be Brief! (write for the web) and How users read on the web. Nielsen article ideas are cited in many other articles that provide guidelines on how to write for the web and improve its usability.
Source Wikipedia
Other references
NN/g Nielsen & Norman Group – Jakob Nielsen
Heuristic Evaluation Articles & Video (NN/g Norman & Nielsen Group)
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