Frank Chimero

Frank Chimero

Frank Chimero is a NYC-based, multi-disciplinary designer working across brand, digital product, and print. He has an international reputation for creating warm, content-focused design with a variety of companies in technology and publishing. Among these is Abstract, which he co-founded in 2014.

His body of work has been featured in industry publications like Communication Arts and Print Magazine, and recognized by organizations such as The Art Directors Club, AIGA, and Type Directors Club. In 2010, he was selected an ADC Young Gun and one of Print Magazine’s New Visual Artists.

He also writes and speaks about design. Many of his essays and lectures have become foundational texts for the web design industry and assigned in design classrooms around the world. In 2012, he wrote, illustrated and published The Shape of Design


Other references

Amazon – The Shape of Design

TALK: Frank Chimero – Complexity & Experience in Design.

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